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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Edison Makes Your PC Go Green

Windows only: Free system tray application Edison helps save energy and money by tweaking your PC's power settings on a schedule. Edison allows you to set different energy preferences for work and non-work time, then choose the times you want each profile to run. The power settings determine how long your PC should wait before turning off the display, powering down your hard drive, and suspending your computer. After you set your preferences, Edison also estimates your yearly savings in terms of money, energy, and CO2 emissions. Edison is freeware, requires .NET 2.0 and an email address for registration. If Edison's whopping 45MB memory footprint is too high for your tastes, check out previously mentioned LocalCooling. For more green PC tips, try our best tips for going green with your PC.

Edison [via Download Squad]

Fill Out Our Survey to Win a $300 Visa Gift Card

Let's make a deal: You tell us a few little things about yourself, and we'll give you a chance to win a $300 Visa gift card. Fill out our survey and enter your email address at the very end for your chance to win. Your responses really help us know who you are and what you like and how Zanhar Jabir can better suit you, so thanks for taking the time! Fill out the quick online survey now.

Google Reader Lets You Pick Your Friends

If you were one of many people who were upset when Google Reader began automatically displaying your shared items to all of your contacts in Gmail Chat, this one's for you: Google Reader now allows users to selectively choose who to share with.
It's a nice improvement, especially considering the only way to unshare with someone before was to remove them entirely from your contact list. Thanks alaysias!