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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The 3 Easy Steps For A Free IPhone

1. Register at FreebieJeebies once your account is created all you need to do is complete one offer. There is quite a few offers to choose from, but personally I prefer the GalaBingo offer. The reason for this is that they only ask a deposit of £5 and they give a £10 free bonus. Not bad, but the best thing is each time I have done this offer I have won in the bingo around £60. They also have a wide selection of games to play and win on.

2. Ok, so you have registered an account and completed your offer. Now all you have to do is refer some friends and family. Depending on the gift you have selected this is an easy process, for example the IPhone 16GB requires you to get 15 refferals. Which is not bad and you proberly could complete this offer just with close family, but the bigger gifts like macbooks may require you asking friends, family, work collegues, neighbours etc..

3. So you have successfully got the right amount of referals for your FREE IPhone, the only thing left for you to do is order it from the site! Congratulations.

These are the 3 easy steps to successfully getting yourself a FREE IPhone, why pay hundreds of pounds for a product you can get for free?

iPhone 3G - 9th June 2008

By now most of would have claimed a free iphone, but now Apple are set to introduce the new iPhone 3G which will have many added features including GPS etc…

I myself cannot wait to get my hands on this, so I have already signed up to apple.freebiejeebies to start claiming some referrals.

You can do the same, simply sign up HERE.