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Friday, July 11, 2008

Command Line Option to Reboot or Log Off Windows (Windows 95/98/Me)

This command allows you to create a shortcut or execute from a batch file a Windows DLL that will bypass the standard Start Menu method of shutdown and initiate a Log Off, Shutdown or Restart.

For Windows 98 & Me
Either execute the following command from a batch file or create a new shortcut, by right-clicking on the descktop and selecting New -> Shortcut. With the command:

C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx x

Where x is either 0, 1, 2, 4 or 8 (or a combination) based on the following table:

0 - Log off: Shuts down all running processes, then logs the user off.
1 - Shutdown: Shuts down the system to a point at which it is safe to turn off the power. All file buffers have been flushed to disk, and all running processes have stopped.
2 - Reboot: Shut down and restart the system.
4 - Force (Win98 Only): Forces processes to terminate. When this flag is set, Windows does not query running applications to inform them that Windows is shutting down. This can cause the applications to lose data, therefore, you should only use this flag in an emergency.
8 - Power Off (Win98 Only): Shuts down the system and turns off the power. The system must support the power-off feature.

Click Next and enter the name you want to call the icon (e.g. Shutdown).

For Windows 95
Repeat the steps above but use the command below for the target.

C:\WINDOWS\Rundll32.exe User,ExitWindows

Note: The values above can be combined together to achieve different results. For example, to restart Windows forcefully, without querying any running programs, use the following command line: "rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx 6" (i.e. 2 + 4)

Change the Login Window (Windows XP)

Change the Logon Screen Background Color (All Windows)

When you change the color scheme and appearance of your desktop it does not change the background color of the logon screen to match. This tweak allows you to change that color as well.

Open your registry and find the key below.

Modify the value named 'Background' according to the color you would like in RGB (Red/Green/Blue) format. For example, "0 0 0" for black or "255 255 255" for white, and every other color in between.

Restart Windows for the change to take effect.

User Key: [HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Colors]
Name: Background
Type: REG_SZ (String Value)
Value: 0 0 0 - 255 255 255