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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

You can download youtube movie after follow the below steps.

1. Open any video which you want to download from youtube.
2. Type voobys instead of youtube in browser.

youtube link :

after change :
Change part is in red colour.
3. Click on download button.
4. Movie will be download in .flv format, to watch the movie you can
downlod flv player from internet or you can download converter from the
same page and convert it into .3gp, .avi etc format.
you can download converter from
http://www.voobys. com/software/ download. php
this link.

New iPhone Unlock Tool Out, Fixes Bugs

If you had trouble jailbreaking and unlocking your iPhone 2.0 with Pwnage 2.0, there's a new version out there that will make it even easier to free your iPhone, fixing some of the problems which were found in the previous version:

- It auto-finds the bl39 and bl46 files better, if they’re on your computer.
- It creates the ~/Library/iTunes/Device Support/ folder if not present, which should help with some 1600 errors people have been having.
- Many people have reported the PwnageTool not starting up at all (the icon never stops bouncing). This issue should be resolved now.
- The Sparkle AppCast URL is fixed in this version, so automatic updates should work for future releases.

If you successfully jailbroke and unlocked your iPhone with OS 2.0 with the previous one, there's no need for you to use this version. Otherwise, you can download from here or here.

Cuil Search Engine Out to Challenge Google

Ex-Google employees unveil a new search engine today out to challenge their former employer: Cuil, pronounced "cool," launches with 120 billion web pages in its index. My initial tests show that Cuil's results aren't quite as impressive as the size of the index, but they're pretty good. From Cuil's search for Zanharjabir yields decent results (though with bizarre images) and an "Explore by category" module on the upper right, which offers related searches. This category list is perhaps the biggest indicator of Cuil's smarts; for Zanharjabir it offers searches for Gawker Media (our publisher), Blogs, Google Services, American bloggers—all spot-on—and one miss, Video Game magazine. Give Cuil a whirl with terms you already know something about. How are the results? Think Google's got something to worry about? Let us know in the comments. scant black homepage, enter your query (and it will offer suggestions as you type) and go. A