Saturday, July 5, 2008
How To Make A Folder With Name CON?
Did you ever tried to create a folder with name con or prn or nul? you cannot create a folder with names con , prn or nul in windows. but you can create folders with thesee names from dos with some special commands
to create a folder with name con in c just type this code in dos
if you want to create the same folder in another location just type its adress after md\\.\\
for example if you want to create a folder with name con in a folder named test in d drive, just type the following code
you can use the same code for creating folders with name prn, nul etc..
Mozilla Firefox Tips
5/2008 - Quickly bookmark a web page
Bookmark any web page form field and quickly access it from the browser address bar. Below is an example of how you could bookmark the Computer Hope search and quickly search for help anytime .
1. Right-click on the search box in the top left portion of this window.
2. Click "Add a keyword for this search".
3. In the Add bookmark window, type any name or leave it blank and for the keyword make it something simple and easy to remember. For example, "CH" for "Computer Hope" and click Ok.
Now in your address bar you can type: "CH " and then anything you need help with. For example typing: "CH motherbaord" would open the search results for motherboard.
4/2008 - Undo closed tab
Oops did you mistakenly close a tab you didn't want to close? Press CTRL + Shift + T to undo a close tab. Pressing this more than once will undo multiple closed tabs.
8/2007 - Quickly bookmark a web page
Quickly bookmark any web page in all major browsers by pressing CTRL + D on your keyboard. Pressing these two keys together will open the bookmarks or favorites for your browser and allow you to quickly place a bookmark for the page you're currently at. For example, pressing the two keys now would bookmark this page.
5/2007 - Internet browser bookmarks
Sort your Internet browser favorites or bookmarks in alphabetical name order by following the below steps.
Firefox: Click Bookmarks and within bookmarks click your right mouse button and select Sort by Name.
4/2007 - Bookmark search engines
Bookmark almost any search engine and have the capability of using it anywhere by following the below simple steps.
- Right-click within the text box you wish to bookmark and click "Add a keyword for this Search.."
- Enter a name for the bookmark and then a keyword you wish to use. For example, if you were doing this in computer hope you could type "ch" as your keyword and then click Ok to create the bookmark.
- Once created in the URL bar type your keyword and what you wish to search for. For example, if you used "ch" as your keyword and wanted to search for Firefox you'd type: "ch firefox".
2/2007 - Get to the address bar using your keyboard
Quickly get to the address bar in Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox by pressing the F6 keykeyboard. Opera users can press the F8 key to get to the address bar. on the top of your
8/2005 - Mozilla Firefox
Quickly save any media including embedded content to an alternate source by right-clicking on a page click "View Page Info", click the Media tab, locate the media file you wish to save and click the Save As button.
4/2005 - Mozilla Firefox
Some quick tips for Mozilla Firefox users. First, quickly access the full configuration menu in Firefox by typing "about:config" in the address bar. In this window you can change a lot of different settings. Second, quickly open a new tab by pressing CTRL + T. Third, press and hold CTRL + # where # is 1 - 9 to switch between tabs in the open window. Finally, hold down CTRL while clicking a link to open that link in a tab or hold SHIFT while clicking a link to open that link in a new window.
2/2005 - Quickly scroll using the space bar
Quickly scroll one page at a time in Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox by pressing the spacebar. Move backup a page at a time by pressing shift + spacebar.
1/2005 - Full screen Internet
Make your Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox the full screen without all the toolbars by pressing the F11 key. To restore the window back to how it was press F11 again.
10/2004 - Mozilla Firefox
Open all your daily visited web pages in two clicks. First, create a folder in your bookmarks that contains the web pages you visit daily. Once created you can right-click that folder and click "Open in Tabs" to get all your favorites in the folder opened in a new tab in the current window.
Microsoft Internet Explorer Tips
Below is a listing of various tips that can be used with Microsoft Internet Explorer. Some of the below tips may list a date next to them for the month and year that they were featured in our monthly tip section. If you're looking for more general Internet tips you may also wish to visit our Internet tips section.
Quickly bookmark a web page
Internet browser lists
Internet browser favorites
Get to the address bar using your keyboard
Quickly scroll using the space bar
Full screen Internet
Control Panel icons
Internet and spyware
Automatically enter URL
View Internet shortcuts from channel bar
Move forwards and backwards on web page with mouse wheel
Quickly access a e-mail domain
Open a link in a new window
Determine the last update of a page your visiting
Disable animated pictures
Print only sections of a web page
Increase decrease size of font with wheel on mouse
Quickly find text on a web page
Save an Internet picture as your desktop picture
Quickly move forward and backwards between pages
Increase the appearance of fonts.
Microsoft Internet Explorer shortcuts
Quickly bookmark any web page in all major browsers by pressing CTRL + D on your keyboard. Pressing these two keys together will open the bookmarks or favorites for your browser and allow you to quickly place a bookmark for the page you're currently at. For example, pressing the two keys now would bookmark this page.
Quickly find an icon in a group of icons or a specific item in an alphabetic list of items by highlighting one of the icons or list items and pressing the beginning letter of the item you're looking for. Below are some examples of how this could be used.
Windows desktop icons - If you have a lot of icons on your desktop or in another folder highlight one of the icons and press the first letter. For example if you were looking for an icon named "test" highlight any icon and then press the "t" key. Note: you can also press the "t" key multiple times to individually highlight each icon that starts with "t".
Internet drop down list - Instead of scrolling through a list of options in an Internet drop down list press the first letter of the option you're looking for. For example, if you were looking through a list of states and you wanted "Utah" press U to automatically scroll down to it.
Sort your Internet browser favorites or bookmarks in alphabetical name order by following the below steps.
Internet Explorer: Click Favorites and within the favorites click your right mouse button and select Sort by Name.
Get to the address bar using your keyboard
Quickly get to the address bar in Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox by pressing the F6 keykeyboard. Opera users can press the F8 key to get to the address bar. on the top of your
In addition to the above function keys users can also use CTRL + L and/or CTRL+O to quickly get to the browser address bar in almost all browsers.
Quickly scroll using the space bar
Quickly scroll one page at a time in Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox by pressing the spacebar. Move backup a page at a time by pressing shift + spacebar.
Make your Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox the full screen without all the toolbars by pressing the F11 key. To restore the window back to how it was press F11 again.
Open Control Panel icons from Internet Explorer by typing "Control Panel\
Spyware, malware, and other adware is becoming an ever-growing threat on the Internet. We highly recommend users who have not already installed spyware protection on their computer do so immediately. An excellent example of a free spyware program is Spybot Search & Destroy. A listing of other spyware protection programs and information about browser hijacking can also be found on document CH000578.
Automatically enter the www. and .com into an Internet Explorer's address by typing the name of the page and pressing CTRL + ENTER on the keyboard. For example, if you type computerhope and then press CTRL + ENTER you will automatically be sent to the proper page.
View Internet shortcuts from channel bar
View your Internet Explorer shortcuts from the desktop with the Channel Bar. To enable this bar click Start / Run / Type iexplore -channelband and press enter.
Move forwards and backwards on web page with mouse wheel
Quickly move forwards and backwards between web pages by holding down the shift key and scrolling up or down on your mouse.
Quickly access a e-mail domain
Quickly and easily access a users domain by pasting their e-mail into the address bar of Internet Explorer. For example, pasting will automatically forward you to the web page.
Update: This no longer works in new versions of Internet Explorer.
Open a link in a new Internet Explorer browser window by holding down the shift key on the keyboard and clicking on the link.
Determine the last update of a page your visiting
Determine the exact date and time when a website was last updated or modified by inserting the below string into the address bar.
Disable animated pictures commonly animated GIF pictures in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 by clicking Tools and selecting Internet Options. From Internet Options click the Advanced tab, within this window under Multimedia uncheck the box "Play animations in web pages."
It is important to realize that this will only disable animated pictures, animated java scripts or applets or Flash animations will not be disabled.
Print only sections of a web page
Save on your printer ink by selectively printing in Windows programs such as Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, WordPad, Outlook, etc. To do this highlight portions of text you wish to print and click print. In the printer dialog window under Page Range choose the option Selection. It is important to realize that not all programs or printer drivers support this feature.
Increase decrease size of font with wheel on mouse
Quickly increase and decrease the size of a font on a web page by holding down the CTRL key on the keyboard and scrolling up or down with the wheel on a wheel mouse.
Quickly find text on a web page
Quickly find anything on the current page or frame by pressing CTRL + F.
Save an Internet picture as your desktop picture
Quickly save a picture as your wallpaper by right-clicking on an image and choosing set as wallpaper.
Quickly move forward and backwards between pages
Pressing ALT + the forward or back button will take the user forward or back one page.
When increasing your color to 16-bit color you will notice an increase of picture quality on images viewed over the Internet.
Increase the appearance of fonts
If you are running Windows 95 with Plus Pack installed or have Windows 98 enable smooth font for a dramatic change in the jaggies on fonts when displaying a web page.
To do this click Start / Settings / Control Panel / double-click the Display icon / click the Effects tab and check smooth edges on screen fonts, click Apply and then ok.